A.The Regional Executive Committee shall comprise

  1. A  Regional Chairperson;
  2. A Vice Regional Chairperson;
  3. A Regional Secretary;
  4. An Assistant Regional Secretary; 
  5. A Regional Treasurer;
  6. An Assistant Regional Treasurer; 
  7. A Regional Financial Secretary; 
  8. An Assistant Regional Financial Secretary; 
  9. A Regional Secretary for Political Education and Training; 
  10. An Assistant Regional Secretary for political Education and Training; (B’da Conv., 05-07.07.01)
  11. A Regional Secretary for Communication; (B’da Conv., 05-07.07.01)
  12. An Assistant Regional Secretary for Communication; (B’da Conv., 05-07.07.01)
  13. A Regional Organising Secretary; (Bfsm. Conv.29-31.07.93)
  14. An Assistant Regional  Organising Secretary; ( B’da Conv. 26-28 May 2006)
  15. A Regional Secretary for Human and Peoples’ Rights; (B’da Conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  16. An Assistant Regional Secretary For Human and Peoples’ Rights; (B’da Conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  17. A Regional Socialist Women Coordinator; (B’da conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  18. An Assistant Regional Socialist Women Coordinator; (B’da Conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  19. A Regional Socialist Youths Coordinator; (B’da Conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  20. An Assistant Regional Socialist Youths Coordinator. (B’da Conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  21. Two(2) Regional Auditors; (Buea conv. 11-15.12.96)
  22. Four (4) Regional Legal Advisers; (B’da Conv. 11-14, 10. 2012)
  23. Three (3) members, one of whom shall be of the opposite sex, proposed by the newly elected Regional Chairperson for ratification  by the Conference;
  24. The Chairpersons of Electoral District Executive Committees;
  25. Members of the Divisional Coordination Committees of the Region

B.Meeting of the Regional Executive Committee

  1. The Regional Executive Committee shall meet once every three months;
  2. It shall also meet at any time as convened by the Chairperson or at the request of two-thirds of its members with voting rights; provided that at least ten (10) of the signatories are elected members of the Regional Executive Committee; (Buea conv. 11-15.12.96)
  3. The quorum for a meeting of the Regional Executive Committee shall be one third (1/3) of the entire membership of the said committee;
  4. The Members of the Divisional Coordination Committee shall be ex-officio members of the Regional Executive Committee. They shall take part in deliberations but only the Divisional Co-ordinator and the Divisional Secretaries shall have voting powers.

C.Powers and Functions of the Regional Executive Committee

The Regional Executive Committee shall meet to transact any/or all the following business:

  1. Identify main political, social and economic issues which are of particular concern in the Region;
  2. General administration of the Party in the Region and putting into effect the decisions of the Regional Conference and/or directives from the National Executive Committee and/or the National Convention;
  3. Adoption of the annual budget;
  4. Receive reports from the Electoral Districts and Divisional Coordinating Committees; (Buea Conv. 11-15.12.96)
  5. Employ and determine the conditions of all Regional Party Officials;
  6. Prepare reports and forward to the National Secretariat every three monthly. (Buea Conv. 11-15.12.96)

D. The Regional Conference

The Regional Conference shall comprise the following:

  1. The Regional Chairperson and all other Regional officers
  2. Chairpersons of the Electoral District Executive Committees;
  3. The Members of the Divisional Coordinating Committees within the Region;
  4. Five elected delegates from each Electoral District;
  5. Chairpersons of Local Government Councils if they are members of the Party; (Buea Conv. 11-15.12.96)
  6. Regional Councillors who are members of the Party;
  7. Five (5) Councillors elected from each Electoral District;
  8. Members of the National Assembly who are members of the party living in the Region; (Y’de Conv., 16-20.04.99).
  9. Senators who are members of the Party;
  10. Ministers and Special Advisers who are members of the party;
  11. The National Officers of the Party who are resident in the Region.

E. Powers and Functions of the Regional Conference

The Electoral District Conference of the Party shall meet to transact any or all of the following business:

  1. Elect members to the Electoral District Executive Committee of the Party;
  2. Organise primaries for elections to Parliament under the supervision of the Regional Executive Committee (B’da. Conv. 22-24.02.2018);
  3. Nominate Electoral District delegates to the Regional Conference and National Convention;
  4. Approve the budget for running the Electoral District; 
  5. Receive and examine reports of external auditors.

F.Meetings of the Regional Conference

  1. The Regional Conference shall meet at least once a year on a date and venue to be determined by the Regional Executive Committee;
  2. The date chosen shall be at least one month earlier than that of the National Convention; (Buea Conv. 11-15.12.96)
  3. An Extraordinary Conference shall be held at any time when convened by the Regional Executive Committee;
  4. The Agenda of the Regional Conference shall be prepared by the Regional Executive Committee;
  5. The quorum for the meeting of the Regional Conference shall be one-third (1/3) of the delegatesprovided that not less than two-thirds of the Electoral Districts are present. (B’da. Conv. 22-24.02.2018).